On the Path with Kissiah Young

Let's Talk About Feedback and What We Practice When it Comes to It

Kissiah Young Episode 12

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Feedback is essential to our growth and expansion. It's a key ingredient in change, yet it's one of the hardest things for people to practice being with. We are often concerned with not wanting to upset someone or fear their response, so rather than communicate our experience of another, we keep quiet and carry on. What we don't realize is the damage that does both to ourselves and the other. Not only do we stifle what arises within, preventing us from being seen and getting our needs met, we keep the other from learning more about themselves and how they may behave. Then there is the flip side, the people who do not welcome feedback for whatever reason. Perhaps they're not interested in knowing your truth as it pertains to them. Instead, they react by shutting down, deflecting, blaming, behaving volatile, or in some way that sends the message of not welcoming an open conversation that may be difficult to hear. 

We all have a responsibility when it comes to feedback. When we are relating to another, our experience is important, and there are times when things need to be said in order for change to happen. How do you respond to this responsibility? What's your practice when it comes to giving and receiving feedback? Let's talk about it. 

As always, I appreciate your presence.

Deep gratitude,


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