Kissiah Young
Hi. I'm Kissiah.
I am an introverted lover of books. My professional background is in the fields of hospice and palliative care, respectfully. They have greatly shaped and informed how I practice being in the world. I have a coaching practice for those looking to live a more transformative and expansive life.
I started podcasting out of an insatiable desire to have deep conversations about real life. I enjoy going within and peeling back the layers to discover the fullness. I like to look closely at life, be it my own or that of another, and see clearly what is true. It's a beautiful practice. I feel in-flow. I could talk about death, dying, and the nature of impermanence as a career. Truly. I never tire of the layers. They feed me. They charge me. They give my life meaning and purpose. I am here, because I want to talk about these things, and more, with you. Write to me.
Deep gratitude,